Fluff versus Stuff (A Balancing Act) - Karate Fit USA LLC | Lawrenceville, NJ

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Fluff versus Stuff (A Balancing Act)

Today's Blog post explores the balance between playing ("fluff") and serious self-defense ("stuff"). We have a number of students, mostly kids, who have found our school after training elsewhere, and whose (parents') main complaint about their prior school is that "they just played around each class."

Truth be told, it can be a tough thing to balance!! Glorified babysitting, where kids play games and have fun every class, can be more enjoyable for the kids - similar to a grade school that watches videos every day and doesn't check homework, etc.  The kids like the classes, and parents understandably are happy that their child likes going to karate/tae kwon do/jujitsu/etc. - and the Instructors don't have to do much actual lesson planning. The ones who want more than that generally quit, assuming all schools are similarly "fluffy."  On the flip-side, hardcore "Street Self-Defense" places that deride "softer" schools can be too much for many people, and can have more injuries, etc.

Everyone's goals in training (or goals for their kids, if it is not in fact the kid that wants to train) are different, and schools need to choose their own balance.  ("Fluff" brings in the $$, unfortunately!) At Karate Fit USA, like at Swingle Shihan's karate school growing up decades ago, we have consciously chosen a "less fluff, more stuff" approach in a way that is age-appropriate and still tries to keep things fun while offering practical techniques and challenges for everyone to grow.

Our 3-5 year old classes do have games, of course, so we can develop fine and gross motor skills, balance, and an understanding of Right-vs-Left, listening to directions, etc.  But we also show them proper structure and position, sneak in some abduction-defense techniques that small people can use against larger people, and how to avoid and get away from trouble. As the ages get older, the Karate becomes the fun, and the classes grow more serious (while still hopefully being enjoyable), and the belt requirements become more difficult. 

To enter the Intermediate ranks and beyond, ALL ages have the same list of pre-test criteria to come in and complete satisfactorily. (Expectations are based on every individual, a luxury that our small class sizes allow us to track.)  For Adult classes, we continue our balance of Fitness (warm up exercises for flexibility strength and stamina), Self-Defense (Partner Work and Circle Attacks to simulate a wide range of possible situations), Sparring (Timing, Distance, Combinations and controlling an encounter), Power work (Targets and such to maximize technique effectives) and Tradition (Kata and Weapons work, still with a self-defense focus).

It is tough to make push-ups and hard work fun (although we think we do a decent job). In this age of instant gratification, it can be tough (but more important that ever) to put in the time and effort needed for proper growth.  It would be much easier to just let students stick their feet and hands out, without spending the time and energy to correct structural problems and make sure the hips and whole body are engaged even when not going full power.  Many schools apparently choose that easier path, but we consider this a disservice to the students.  We certainly do not expect everyone to do techniques perfectly, but our students can always expect us to explain how to do things properly and effectively. They can also expect us to give them time and encouragement as they work to improve, and all of our students can repeat the mantras of "Effort beats ability," "Slow and correct beats fast and wrong," and "The best way to get good at Level 3 is to get REALLY good at Level 2," etc.

At Karate Fit USA, we are proud to strike a healthy balance between "real stuff," (allowing partners who are ready and who can control themselves to go hard, while others can take things slower) and "fun."  This is probably why we have college-age kids, tiny kids, older people (50s, 60s and 70s!), people on the Spectrum and with physical challenges, and everyone in-between, at a wide range of fitness abilities, ALL of whom seem happy to challenge themselves and their peers appropriately, and who all celebrate and encourage everyone else's growth.

If that sounds like a balance that might work for you or your family, we would love to have you come try a free class with us.  And if you prefer either only rough&tough street fighting or fun-only playfests, then there are surely other schools around that could handle that!

Kids Martial Arts Classes - try for free!

Kids Martial Arts Classes - try for free!

Thank you for your interest in Children's Karate / Martial Arts Classes. We have separate classes for different age groups and experience levels, allowing us to have group-appropriate content and activities. We also sometimes use our two different rooms to focus on subgroups within a class. Our students learn to protect themselves, express themselves, and grow as people and as martial artists.

We focus on self-development and fitness through self-defense, but in an age-appropriate, safe and fun manner. -This is why some of our Instructors have been with us for 10, 15 and even 20 or more years, often themselves starting as a Little Ninja!

We always offer a free trial, either in their group or private mini-class if preferred, and we offer a New Student Special to allow for an extended risk-free chance to confirm they want to continue training longer-term with us.

Thank you for contacting us. We will follow up with you as soon as we can to answer any questions you might have and to schedule your free trial class! You can also call or text 609-690-9060 for more info, and can pre-register for your trial class at www.karatefitusa.net/signup

Adult Martial Arts - Try a Free Class!

Adult Martial Arts - Try a Free Class!

We offer Adult classes for all ability and experience levels, sometimes using our two rooms and offering variations to challenge Beginners and Advanced students and properly direct the material.

We focus on self-development and fitness through self-defense, but in a safe, fun and effective manner. Our classes include Karate, Weapons and Small Circle Jujitsu techniques, with both solo, partner and group work.  Training brings mental and physical health benefits, and increases confidence to help improve your life outside of karate as well - even if you hopefully never need to use the many techniques you will learn!

Please come in for a free trial, either a regular group class to see what that is all about, or we can also arrange a private mini-class if preferred. We then have a New Student Special to allow for an extended risk-free period to reconfirm you like our approach and look to continue longer-term.

Thank you for contacting us. We will follow up with you as soon as we can to answer any questions you might have and to schedule your free trial class! You can also call or text 609-690-9060 for more info, and can pre-register for your trial class at www.karatefitusa.net/signup